Riverboat 3 'Blishønen'

Here you can book your boat trip in Riverboat 3 'Blishønen' from Ry Harbor.

You can book 2 hours, 4 hours, during business hours from 10:00am to 20:00pm every Day.

When you click Make Reservation, you will be sent to the PayPal payment page where you can pay either with a PayPal account or with your credit card. Paypal account is not a must! For Mobilpaye payment call us on the phone.

If you have a gift card that can be used as payment, you cannot book through the calendar, but make your reservation via email to info@riverboats.dk or via email. SMS to 30 31 99 91.

Reservations for the same day or the following day can only be made by phone call Erdin on 30 31 99 91.

Right up to the start time you can cancel your reservation via sms to +45 30 31 99 91. You will then be refunded the rental amount minus a handling fee of 200 kr.

If average wind speed of 8 m / s or more is notified, your booking will be canceled for security reasons and you will receive the full amount paid back.

Delivery and delivery of the boat is by self-service. Two days before your reservation, you will receive a reminder by mail, which also contains departure, sailing and return instructions.


Helt frem til starttidspunktet kan du annullere din reservation via sms til +45 30 31 99 91. Du får derefter tilbagebetalt lejebeløbet minus et ekspeditionsgebyr på 200 kr.

Hvis en gennemsnitlig vindhastighed på 8 m / s eller mere meddeles, annulleres din reservation af sikkerhedsmæssige årsager, og du modtager det fulde beløb, der er tilbagebetalt.

Sejle fra og til havnen sker ved selvbetjening. To dage før din reservation vil du modtage en påmindelse via mail, der også indeholder afgangs-, sejlads- og returvejledning.


If there is a challenge in booking, we ask you to go to PC and click on '' Desktop'' at the bottom of this page so you can book by clicking at the time that suits you.