Pole & Aerial Timetable

Please make sure you buy membership for the club and the classes you wish to attend before making a booking (except if you are booking a taster or a first time class)

If this is your first time here, all you need to do is click on ''Create new user account'' and then put your name and e-mail. It is easier for us if you use your Imperial short (i.e. ab1234) or long (i.e. tom.smith15) usernames followed by @ic.ac.uk or @imperial.ac.uk. A confirmation e-mail willl be sent to that address and you just need to click the link and you will be able to login anytime with no password required!

Once you have verified your e-mail address, simply input the e-mail address to login. 

If the sign-up does not work, please contact poledance@imperial.ac.uk with your full name and adress and we will set it up for you!

Student Login

Create a new user account

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